Care for Nature
A sustainable future is the goal of Ocean Cycle. We are passionate ocean lovers who truely appreciate what the ocean offers us, and how important it is to maintain ocean health for future generations. 15% of profits from your purchase go towards supporting marine conservation and local beach clean ups through the Outflow Charity, NZ Whale & Dolphin Trust, & Sustainable Ocean Society.
Ash Morgan - Instigator
Hi I’m Ash, I was inspired by a Marine biologist. I am passionate about the environment and am an avid fisherman. I want to make change in the waste we produce to protect our oceans for future generations.
Dave Allum - Marine Biologist
Hey I’m Dave, I love to be under the water observing the fish in their natural habitat. It’s time to focus on cleaning up the ocean environment.
From a Marine Biologist's Perspective
With the increase of ocean bound plastic and the impact that this has on our wildlife, we at ocean cycle have created an environment to find alternative and sustainable materials that minimise ocean plastics. We are trying to make small change so others like yourself can do the right thing. - Dave Allum
Teaming up with Sustainable Ocean Society
Shark research represents the apex of the food chain, but it governs the greater necessity of a healthy ocean ecosystem in order for them to exist.
Sustainable Ocean Society has teamed up with Ocean Cycle in a multi-tiered avenue.
Ocean Cycle is not only supplying sustainable shark chum, sourced from recycled salmon products, in the form of premium Salmon Berley, but Ocean Cycle is also donating 50% of profits from a one-off, sustainably sourced, Great White themed T-shirt line, in order to support the costs associated with the Great White tagging project run through SOS, starting in our home base, the Tauranga harbour.